gaza, strip, palestine
Photo by hosnysalah on Pixabay

Σας καλούμε την Κυριακή 5 Νοεμβρίου και ώρα 11:30π.μ στην πλατεία Ποταμού για να εκφράσουμε την αλληλεγγύη μας στον Παλαιστινιακό Λαό.

Ακολουθεί το κείμενο της πρωτοβουλίας καλέσματος στα ελληνικά, αγγλικά και αλβανικά:


Αυτό που συμβαίνει αυτή τη στιγμή στην Παλαιστίνη είναι το πιο βάρβαρο επεισόδιο μιας ιστορίας που διαδραματίζεται εδώ και πολλά χρόνια: το πανίσχυρο μιλιταριστικό κράτος του Ισραήλ, ασκώντας παγκόσμια προπαγάνδα αυτοπροβαλλόμενο ως θύμα που αναγκάζεται σε «νόμιμη αυτοάμυνα», ενεργοποιεί το τελικό σχέδιο συστηματικής εκκαθάρισης: μαζικές δολοφονίες και τραυματισμούς αμάχων Παλαιστινίων, χιλιάδες ισοπεδωμένα σπίτια και υποδομές.

Το φασιστικό κράτος-δολοφόνος έχει μετατρέψει τη Λωρίδα της Γάζας (και πλέον και τη Δυτική Όχθη) στην μεγαλύτερη ανοιχτή φυλακή στον κόσμο. Οι Άραβες-Παλαιστίνιοι παλεύουν με την κατοχή και το θάνατο καθημερινά, από την ίδρυση του ισραηλινού κράτους και την επιβολή του σκληρού καθεστώτος απαρτχάιντ μέχρι σήμερα. Παλεύουν επί δεκαετίες για μια ανάσα ελευθερίας υπό καθεστώς ακραίας φτώχειας και ταπείνωσης, βίας, αστυνόμευσης και μεθοδικής βασανιστικής εξόντωσης.

Όσοι παρουσιάζουν το παλαιστινιακό σαν ένα ζήτημα κατά το οποίο οι δύο πλευρές μοιράζονται ισόποσες ευθύνες, δεν είναι αφελείς ούτε αμέτοχοι στο επιτελούμενο έγκλημα. Διότι αυτό που συμβαίνει δεν είναι πόλεμος. Είναι γενοκτονία του παλαιστινιακού λαού, μεθοδική εξόντωση που συντελείται από ένα πανίσχυρο ολοκληρωτικό καθεστώς με την αμέριστη στήριξη της Δύσης. Μιας υποκριτικής Δύσης που συγκαλύπτει, λογοκρίνει όσους καταγγέλουν, παραχαράσσει την ιστορία δεκαετιών και επιστρατεύει τον όρο «τρομοκράτες» για να δικαιολογήσει την απανθρωπιά της. Και μιας πολιτικής ελίτ που για κάθε λογής συμφέρον ποδοπατάει κάθε αξία και κώδικα ηθικής και δικαιοσύνης, που αγκαλιάζει εγκληματίες και ρεζιλεύει τους λαούς συνάπτοντας στο όνομά τους επικερδή συμβόλαια και αιματοβαμμένες φιλίες.

Από κοντά η δουλική ελληνική κυβέρνηση, ψήφισε αποχή στην πρόταση κατάπαυσης του πυρός σε απόλυτη ρήξη με την ιστορική συνείδηση του λαού μας, κυνικά ομολογώντας οτι για την ντόπια ελίτ το δίκαιο και η αλληλεγγύη στους καταπιεσμένους είναι στη «λάθος πλευρά της ιστορίας»

ΓΙΑ ΟΛΟΥΣ ΤΟΥΣ ΛΟΓΟΥΣ ΤΟΥ ΚΟΣΜΟΥ είμαστε με τον εξεγερμένο λαό της Παλαιστίνης, τους απανταχού Εβραίους που αντιστέκονται πιστεύοντας στην ειρηνική συνύπαρξη των λαών και με όλους που αρνούνται να συμμετάσχουν στη γενοκτονία που συντελείται. Μόνο όπλο η συνείδησή μας.



What is happening right now in Palestine is the most barbaric episode in a history that has been unfolding for many years: the powerful militarist state of Israel, carrying out global propaganda portraying itself as a victim forced in “legitimate self-defense”, activates the final plan of systematic expulsion: mass killings and injuries of Palestinian civilians, thousands of flattened houses and infrastructure.

The murderous fascist state has turned the Gaza Strip (and now the West Bank as well) into the world’s largest open prison. Arab-Palestinians struggle with occupation and death every day since the establishment of the Israeli state and the imposition of the harsh apartheid regime. They have been fighting for decades for a breath of freedom in a state of extreme poverty and humiliation, violence, policing and methodical torturous extermination.

Those who present the Palestinian issue as an issue in which both sides share equal responsibility are neither naïve nor innocent for the crime being committed. Because what is happening is not a war: it is a genocide of the Palestinian people, a methodical extermination carried out by a powerful totalitarian regime with the undivided support of the West. A hypocritical West that covers up, censors those who complain, falsifies decades of history and uses the term “terrorists” to justify its inhumanity. And of a political elite that, for all sorts of interests, tramples on every value and code of ethics and justice, that embraces criminals and discredits the people by concluding lucrative contracts and blood-stained friendships in their name.

Close by, the slavish Greek government voted to abstain on the ceasefire proposal in absolute rupture with the historical consciousness of our people, cynically confessing that for the local elite, justice and solidarity with the oppressed is on the “wrong side of history”

FOR ALL THE REASONS IN THE WORLD we are with the rebelling people of Palestine, the Jews who resist believing in the peaceful coexistence of peoples and with all who refuse to participate in the genocide that is taking place. Our only weapon is our conscience.



Ajo që po ndodh tani në Palestinë është episodi më barbar në një histori që po shpaloset prej shumë vitesh: shteti i fuqishëm militarist i Izraelit, duke kryer propagandë globale duke e portretizuar veten si një viktimë e detyruar në “vetëmbrojtje legjitime”, aktivizon plani përfundimtar i dëbimit sistematik: vrasjet masive dhe plagosjet e civilëve palestinezë, mijëra shtëpi të rrafshuara dhe infrastrukturë.

Shteti fashist vrasës e ka kthyer Rripin e Gazës (dhe tani edhe Bregun Perëndimor) në burgun më të madh të hapur në botë. Arabo-palestinezët luftojnë çdo ditë me pushtimin dhe vdekjen, që nga krijimi i shtetit izraelit dhe imponimi i regjimit të ashpër të aparteidit, e deri më sot. Ata kanë luftuar për dekada për një frymë lirie në një gjendje varfërie dhe poshtërimi ekstrem, dhunë, polici dhe shfarosje torturuese metodike.

Ata që e paraqesin çështjen palestineze si një çështje në të cilën të dyja palët ndajnë përgjegjësi të barabarta, nuk janë as naivë dhe as bashkëpunëtorë në krimin që po kryhet. Sepse ajo që po ndodh nuk është një luftë: është një gjenocid i popullit palestinez, një shfarosje metodike e kryer nga një regjim i fuqishëm totalitar me mbështetjen e pandarë të Perëndimit. Një Perëndim hipokrit që mbulon, censuron ata që ankohen, falsifikon dekada të historisë dhe përdor termin “terroristë” për të justifikuar çnjerëzimin e tij. Dhe e një elite politike që, për lloj-lloj interesash, shkel çdo vlerë dhe kod etike dhe drejtësie, që përqafon kriminelët dhe diskretiton popullin duke lidhur kontrata fitimprurëse dhe miqësi të njollosura me gjak në emër të tyre.

Aty pranë, qeveria  greke votoi për abstenim të propozimit të armëpushimit në këputje absolute me ndërgjegjen historike të popullit tonë, duke rrëfyer në mënyrë cinike se për elitën vendase, drejtësia dhe solidariteti me të shtypurit janë në “anën e gabuar të historisë”.

PËR TË GJITHA ARSYET NË BOTË ne jemi me popullin e revoltuar të Palestinës, hebrenjtë që rezistojnë duke besuar në bashkëjetesën paqësore të popujve dhe me të gjithë ata që refuzojnë të marrin pjesë në gjenocidin që po ndodh. Arma jonë e vetme është ndërgjegjja jonë.




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